Bereavement Counselling Services
The Bereavement Counselling Services are based in Ormskirk. We provide counselling to anyone who has suffered the death of a significant person in their life; and anyone who has a life limiting illness, and their Carers.
We have been in existence for over 25 years working within the community of West Lancashire. Our services are offered freely. Donations are welcomed.
Bereavement can be a lonely and isolating experience. People may not understand; they may not want to talk about it, or know exactly how you feel, however close they are.
The Bereavement Counselling Services provides free and confidential help to anyone who has been bereaved.
It may be a recent death, or you might still have painful feelings months or years later.
You may feel angry, resentful, upset or unable to think of life without your loved one.
You may feel as if you are just about holding things together, or not coping at all.
You may feel you should “be over it by now.”
You may feel you should always have positive thoughts about the person who has died.
Whatever your feelings, if you want to talk to someone in confidence, we are here to help.
We also now offer counselling for anyone with a life limiting illness, or their Carers; this service is called Acacia.
“Grief is the last act of love we can give to those we loved. Where there is deep grief, there was great love.”